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Gold Coast Celebrates Important Milestones

It’s been celebrations all round lately with our Gold Coast office celebrating its 1st Birthday and the launch of Gold Coast’s light rail.

Our Birthday celebrations involved a corporate luncheon on Friday 18th July that was attended by various clients and associates of our Australian business, and provided the opportunity to thank all of our staff, clients and associates for supporting us over the last year.

Our Gold Coast office’s first year of business has seen it busy working on a large and diverse range of local projects covering traffic engineering and transport planning for private developments as well as local councils and state road authorities. This has included a significant amount of planning applications and traffic engineering assessments for the development sector right the way through to operational studies for the Department of Transport and Main Roads (south coast region).

Our Gold Coast office was also excited to participate in the launch and opening ceremony of the Gold Coast’s light rail on Sunday 20th July. Thousands of passengers boarded new G Link trams for the first time, enjoying free rides on the new light rail system connecting the Gold Coast University Hospital station at the north with Broadbeach to the south via 16 stations along the 13km route.

Siva Jeevaratnam, Director of our Gold Coast office said “we were excited to be part of the festivities during the ‘ride free’ day and proud to showcase our involvement and contributions to the overall project. Our staff were actively involved with the planning and design of light rail stations and the rapid transit corridor through the Parklands Drive precinct.”

A major Kudos to the GoldLinQ consortium who delivered the $1.6 billion project – and of course a huge applause to the entire project team!

Marc Mrsic, Managing Director of TTS Group said “I see us moving forward leveraging off the resounding success of the light rail project, and see significant opportunities down the ‘track’ for Gold Coast with the subsequent stages of the network and range of community benefits this all brings.”

“We hope to continue capitalising on our unique operational analysis, transport safety and transit planning expertise instilled within our Australian, Singapore and Vietnam offices” said Marc.

Happy Birthday Gold Coast Office !!


Congratulations Gold Coast Light Rail !!


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