!!!NEW!!! Module 4 added due to popular demand
TTS Group in collaboration with TSS-Transport Simulation Systems will be holding a four (4) day Aimsun training course in Singapore from Monday 27th October to Thursday 30th October 2014.
The course aims to give a complete overview for beginner and advanced levels of Aimsun traffic modelling software. We have split the syllabus into three modules, which you can select depending on your individual requirements:
Module 1 (27th and 28th October) covers the basic aspects of how to edit, simulate and obtain results with Aimsun. It is mainly aimed at users with little or no knowledge of Aimsun microscopic simulation.
Module 2 (29th October) focuses on users who want to refresh their skills in microsimulation and offers an intensive examination of stochastic route choice and microscopic modelling techniques.
Module 3 (30th October) is for users who already have some experience in microsimulation and who wish to extend their knowledge of macroscopic and mesoscopic modelling and their application to large-scale projects. We will also look at micro-meso-macro integration and hybrid modelling. This module is primarily for users who hold an Aimsun Advanced or Expert license as these features are only available in those editions.
Module 4 (31st October) is a full seven hours dedicated to travel demand modelling and the four-step modelling process in Aimsun with exercises covering trip generation, public transport assignment, trip distribution and modal split.
For prices, registration and further information, please refer to the course registration page on Eventbrite by selecting the following link.