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TTS Group On Myanmar Press Media

As part of the “Workshop programme on knowledge sharing of Traffic Engineering and Urban Transport Planning” organised and sponsored by Sun United Company Limited which is based in Myanmar, on 10 July 2016 at Park Royal Hotel Yangon, TTS Group has also been invited to be interviewed on several press media in Yangon on the transport planning vision of Yangon.

The TTS Group team which made up of Kelvin Foo (Director, SE Asia), Tan You Jin (Manager, Singapore) and Vinh Pham (Manager, Vietnam) were faced with difficult and yet down-to-earth questions from the local press media.

One of these questions was “What are your views about transport planning developments in Yangon and what strategies can be employed to this city?”

Kelvin who led the introduction and strategic vision plan part of the TTS Group presentation said “TTS Group has strong and well-rounded capabilities in developed and emerging economies, as well as cover all aspects of transport planning and traffic engineering. We strongly believe these qualities of TTS Group would be able to support Yangon and its authorities, such as YCDC to come up with practical solutions which are also in consistent with international practices. These measures will certainly assist Yangon and its people to enjoy a better level of traffic situation.”

When asked about the transport solutions proposed for Yangon, You Jin replied “We are not here to propose a revamp in everything. In fact we want to work with Yangon to improve the systems here, and that means proposing solutions which are based on working systems already established in Yangon”.

Last but not least, when asked about the data collection process most appropriate to Yangon, Vinh explained that the customised TTS approach in data collection greatly encourages data verification and reliability of the traffic data collected. And this would allow the planning process to be more accurate and therefore able to afford strong and practical solutions.

TTS Group, firmly hopes that with the support from our local partner Sun United, are able to convey a strong message through the Myanmar press media, and that is, we strongly believe the team is able to make a difference to the transport planning climate in Myanmar and therefore increase the standard of living in Yangon.

Please click the video below to view an interview of the TTS Group team on Myanmar Media.


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