TTS Group is proud to be a sponsor of International Conference 2018 “Future Sustainable Transport and Resilient Cities” held at University of Transport and Communications, Hanoi, Vietnam, on 10 October 2018.
The conference of Future Sustainable Transport and Resilient Cities 2018 is the fifth edition of the international series of conferences with the topic of “Future Cities”, under sponsorship of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), TTS Group and hosted by the University of Transport and Communications.
This conference aims at bringing together international experts, policy-makers and scholars to exchange and discuss the latest research results as well as the best practices in Sustainable Transport and Resilient Cities.

TTS Group, as a leading transport planning practitioner in Vietnam, sees this conference as an awesome opportunity to showcase our traffic and transport capabilities to the audience of Vietnam and international transport planning community.

Indeed, this is a great opportunity for TTS Group and AIMSUN – a key partner of TTS Group to display our modelling capabilities in using AIMSUN and how we can help the city to investigate further into their current issues related to traffic and transport and give solutions for these issues.
This is also a good platform for the Hanoi Office, Singapore Office, Aimsun to join forces to present at this conference. Mr. Malcolm Soh, our Manager of Transport Planning Office in Vietnam and Ms. Karen Chung, the Principal Transport Modeller of Aimsun Singapore respectively presented in this international conference.
Mr. Jacob Konrath and Dr. Khuat Viet Hung who are the representatives come from DAAD and NTSC respectively kicked off the conference with an introduction of the German research landscape and funding opportunities; and the sustainable transportation system development in Hanoi.
The one-day conference saw various presentations such as “Traffic management policies in bad weather even based on analysed traffic participants”, “Integration of On-Demand Transport in Traditional Public Transport System” and “Measuring the bearing behavior of municipal roads with the FWD”. These are interesting topics which are lately hot topics in Vietnam.

Shortly after lunch, TTS Group and Aimsun showed “Strategic use of AIMSUN in present and future Vietnam” in this workshop. Malcolm kicked off the presentation for TTS Group with introducing the company and discussed the present use of AIMSUN for different scenarios and varoius countries. He also presented about Integration Modelling which expresses all 5 factors: Consistency, Efficiency, Quality, Accuracy, Speed.
Taking over from Malcolm, Karen went on to present the future and potential use of AIMSUN in Vietnam. She also presented Aimsun Live case studies from around the world to show that AIMSUN is a leading tool in providing integration of three level modelling that fits in with various complexity of traffic activities.
In closing the conference, all the speakers were once again invited back on stage to answer questions from the floor. The consensus from the audience is that using the right planing tools help to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the decision in providing the solutions.

Without a doubt, this international conference provided a platform to exchange useful technical applications and opinions on the transportation situation in Vietnam.
TTS Group sincerely thank AIMSUN their participation in the presentation with us and UTC for their brilliant organisation of event.
Well done TTS Group!
