A heartfelt thanks to Singapore's Housing and Development Board (HDB) for facilitating and attending TTS Group's 1st Road Safety Review course!
This is the first road safety course TTS Group has planned and organised for HDB, with the key objectives of training HDB officers on the fundamentals of road safety review and the knowledge to review Project Safety Review Reports.

Our Principal Lecturer Kelvin Foo led the course with many interesting examples from our local and international projects.
Kelvin said "It was great to have such an interactive group who took interest in and participated in all of our topics and activities. I was also supported by the team who shared their expertise in critical subject areas such as various aspects of road safety projects."

The course is also well-supported by our Road Safety Review team which comprised of Nazir Zaini, Leonard Goh, Thinh Chu and Malcolm Soh. This is truly an A-Class team delivering high-standard road safety projects for our local clients.
We are looking forward to our second road safety course with HDB!
Thank you HDB!